Sunday, September 11, 2016

Quilting Lovers - Why Start Blogging? [Blogger Tutorial]

Quilting Lovers Do You Need a Blog? Yes!

Quilting Lovers often have a Facebook profile, or a Twitter account, or other Social Media presence, but sometimes don't have a blog.
In my humble opinion, if you could only have one social media presence, it should be a Blogger blog.
img Blog three dimensional block letters on blue background
Quilting Lovers Need Blogs

Some people don't "do" Twitter, and others don't "do" Facebook. The beauty of a blog is - no one needs to sign in to read your information - unless you want to create that option.

Quilting Puzzle - Triangles Plus Squares - Can You Help?

Quilting Lovers Do You Know This Geometric Quilt?

Quilting has many time-honored patterns.
Do you have any favourite quilt patterns?
Today's post is about a mystery quilt pattern and why it resonated with me.
A fellow quilter posted she was looking for the name of a quilt patten and shared the quilt in an online Facebook Quilting group.
I did a little searching and found out the center is like a Hunter Star patch.
Then, I  posted it to my new Twitter account and some people have started sharing it.
I  thought I would post it here too for non-Twitter users to see.
img Mystery Quilt pattern red and green cream background
Quilting Lovers -Quilt Mystery 1
Why did this quilt puzzle in particular strike a chord with me?

FTC Disclosure: Quilting Lovers Blog welcomes family friendly advertising including affiliate links that pay us a few cents when you make a purchase through  our links. Thank you. Every penny helps.
My Story
The quilt pattern looked somewhat familiar to me.
Hmm. .... why? Why?
Then I realized my mum used to have a red and white wooden trivet like the quilt center that I played with as a child.
I remember sliding my fingers over the smooth coolness of the wooden geometric shapes. I liked the way the geometric shapes fit together and seemed to be mirror images of each other.

So now I  am searching for a wooden red & white Hunter Star trivet, AND  the name of this quilt pattern!

Can you help solve this quilting mystery?

Please pop a quick comment below or Tweet me on Twitter @QuiltingLovers

Looking forward to chatting with you,

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Machine Quilters Dream Giveaway!

Quilting Lovers - Did You Enter to Win a Free Bernina 880  E Sewing Machine?

My mum loved her Bernina.  This post has a bit of my Bernina story, as well as a bit about the Bernina Canada Giveaway.

Do you have a Bernina story too? 
I  would love to hear it.