Thursday, August 11, 2016

Quilting Lovers -Do You Love Quilts?

Quilting Lovers -Dedicated to People Who Love Quilting!

Do you love quilting?
I grew up surrounded by patches, patterns, quilt magazines and quilters.
One of my earliest memories is of laying out patches for a quilt with my mum and sister on my parents big bed.
There were pieces from my favourite shirt,  my sister's dress, my dad's work shirt, my mum's apron and my brother's shorts, even pieces from both my grandmothers clothing. It was to be a real family quilt.
Another early quilt memory was of running around in the church basement with children of other quilters as our mothers worked together to attach backing to quilts at a quilting bee.
What are some of your earliest quilting memories?
I would love to hear about them.
Please drop a comment below and it may become the topic of a future blog post.