Sunday, September 11, 2016

Quilting Lovers - Why Start Blogging? [Blogger Tutorial]

Quilting Lovers Do You Need a Blog? Yes!

Quilting Lovers often have a Facebook profile, or a Twitter account, or other Social Media presence, but sometimes don't have a blog.
In my humble opinion, if you could only have one social media presence, it should be a Blogger blog.
img Blog three dimensional block letters on blue background
Quilting Lovers Need Blogs

Some people don't "do" Twitter, and others don't "do" Facebook. The beauty of a blog is - no one needs to sign in to read your information - unless you want to create that option.

Quilting Puzzle - Triangles Plus Squares - Can You Help?

Quilting Lovers Do You Know This Geometric Quilt?

Quilting has many time-honored patterns.
Do you have any favourite quilt patterns?
Today's post is about a mystery quilt pattern and why it resonated with me.
A fellow quilter posted she was looking for the name of a quilt patten and shared the quilt in an online Facebook Quilting group.
I did a little searching and found out the center is like a Hunter Star patch.
Then, I  posted it to my new Twitter account and some people have started sharing it.
I  thought I would post it here too for non-Twitter users to see.
img Mystery Quilt pattern red and green cream background
Quilting Lovers -Quilt Mystery 1
Why did this quilt puzzle in particular strike a chord with me?

FTC Disclosure: Quilting Lovers Blog welcomes family friendly advertising including affiliate links that pay us a few cents when you make a purchase through  our links. Thank you. Every penny helps.
My Story
The quilt pattern looked somewhat familiar to me.
Hmm. .... why? Why?
Then I realized my mum used to have a red and white wooden trivet like the quilt center that I played with as a child.
I remember sliding my fingers over the smooth coolness of the wooden geometric shapes. I liked the way the geometric shapes fit together and seemed to be mirror images of each other.

So now I  am searching for a wooden red & white Hunter Star trivet, AND  the name of this quilt pattern!

Can you help solve this quilting mystery?

Please pop a quick comment below or Tweet me on Twitter @QuiltingLovers

Looking forward to chatting with you,

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Machine Quilters Dream Giveaway!

Quilting Lovers - Did You Enter to Win a Free Bernina 880  E Sewing Machine?

My mum loved her Bernina.  This post has a bit of my Bernina story, as well as a bit about the Bernina Canada Giveaway.

Do you have a Bernina story too? 
I  would love to hear it.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Featured Quilter - USA Frugal Little Bungalow!

Deborah Pugh - Frugal Little Bungalow USA Loves Quilting!

Quilt Lovers -have you connected with Deborah Pugh at My Frugal Little Bungalow yet?
Deborah writes a friendly blog with lots of great frugal tips, and just this morning I discovered she also loves quilting!
How I missed seeing this before, I have no idea.

Pieced Quilts or Appliqué Quilts Which Do You Prefer?

Today on her blog, Deborah shared a bit about her newest quilting project she was propelled into- an Airship Quilt Block.
Love the playful tone of her blog, don't you?

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Quilting Lovers -Do You Love Quilts?

Quilting Lovers -Dedicated to People Who Love Quilting!

Do you love quilting?
I grew up surrounded by patches, patterns, quilt magazines and quilters.
One of my earliest memories is of laying out patches for a quilt with my mum and sister on my parents big bed.
There were pieces from my favourite shirt,  my sister's dress, my dad's work shirt, my mum's apron and my brother's shorts, even pieces from both my grandmothers clothing. It was to be a real family quilt.
Another early quilt memory was of running around in the church basement with children of other quilters as our mothers worked together to attach backing to quilts at a quilting bee.
What are some of your earliest quilting memories?
I would love to hear about them.
Please drop a comment below and it may become the topic of a future blog post.